Gynecomastia is defined as the excessive development of the mammary gland in men. It most often affects adolescents and young adults in the glandular form but is also seen for adults in overweight context (adipo-gynecomastia).

In most cases, no cause is found. Nevertheless, it should make a complete medical check-up in search of an endocrine or tumor origin.



gynécomastie chirurgie esthétique homme

Few examples of gynecomastia



Preoperative consultations

At the first consultation a check-up is carry out to confirm the actual existence of gynecomastia. The clinical forms of this disease are numerous (photo # 1). The examination will specify the terms of appearance of excess gland (gradually in adolescence or after weight gain). But also its partial regression after medical treatment or after a diet. A blood test will be taken into consideration (hormone dose) and ultrasound assessments.

Operative principles

gynécomastie lopoaspiration fil ENGLISHi
• Single liposuction by a tiny incision of 5 mm from the base of the breast.
• Liposuction followed by a glandular resection by a lower hemi-areolar incision.

gynécomastie annecy savoie glande mammaire chez l'homme chirurgie par lipoaspiration

An incision is made on the lower edge of the areola and the gland is detached from its skin and muscular attachements. It is withdrawn in its totality afterwards




• Most often this simple gesture is not or little painful.
• The risk of post-operative hematoma is very rare.
• A rest period of 10 to 15 days is necessary during which the dressings are made every 48 hours.

Covered by health insurance

Surgical treatment of gynecomastia can be covered by a partial coverage health insurance when there is discomfort in privacy.